Through daily communication with God, ask to be shown the next encounter with the Living Christ.


Through the promptings of the Holy Spirit, listen for your cue to make a difference in the lives of those around you.


 Through daily acts of justice and mercy, seek those who we are to serve, as promised by Jesus Christ.

April 30, 2023


Loving God,

 We find you in our devotions and sermons, our hymns and our anthems. But you send us into the world to find you in the pressing crowds or the lonely waiting rooms. We see you in the beautiful and pristine, but you send us to seek you in the low places, dirty and bedraggled. Remind us that you are revealed to us in the conversations with the stranger.

When we find you, O Lord, let our hearts be opened to share the love that you have planted there. May each stranger we meet be seen as a gift, an opportunity to serve, and a fulfillment of the promise we have in you. 

We ask it in your name, for the sake of the Kingdom.



Acts 7:55-60
Psalm 31:1-6, 15-16
1 Peter 2:2-10
Luke 24:13-35